We are a nonprofit organization located in the State of New Jersey. Our message is based on the Holy Bible, We also seek to respond to human needs and affirm the value of every person by promoting the transformation and self-development of individual lives throughout the world.


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We are fisher of men! The difference between a fisherman and fishing for men is a fisherman catches what is alive and put's it to death; We catch what is already dead and bring it back to life.
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Youth Camp
Food Bank
Prison Re-Entry
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It is with great Joy that I offer my testimony to you.  Your contributions make it possible for us to provide help and support to our people at a time of very big challenge since the devastating Earthquake of Haiti. In the face of natural disasters and grinding poverty, Reverend Ed McEwen response and efforts had been overwhelmingly positive and record-breaking.

Reverend Emmanuel S. Bourjolly

I can testify that Thy KingdomCome Ministries, Inc. has a compassionate nature that can be translated to caring and concerns for all people regardless of race, color or Creed! These Ministries have excellent advocacy skills and play an instrumental role in bringing community partners into any programs.

Kristie Chi

Having known Rev. McEwen of TKCM,  for all of my life, I needed help within a days notice of having a written Pastor Letter for my son to be admitted to a Christian School. With no hesitation from Rev. McEwen, he completed it and sent an email that through the Grace of God was more than I could of hoped for, that showed his true compassion and Christian Beliefs. My son was accepted, because of Rev. McEwen!

Kristi Ivan

When my family was suffering from the loss of our father, Lawrence J Ivan, Jr., we turned to his former student and good friend, Eddie McEwen of Thy Kingdom Come Ministries for comfort and advice. Eddie was able to console and reassure us during our time of sorrow.  When we asked Eddie to speak at the memorial service, he didn’t hesitate. He would be there no matter the date or the time.His sermon was so moving it brought many who attended to tears. The devotion to his faith is shown from the passion and emotion derived from his sermon.  Eddie is a compassionate spiritual leader and is of great value to his community.

Laine Santaro

I have known Ed McEwen for several years. My first encounter with Ed at the Salvation Army was awesome. I was there doing voluntary work where Ed was the supervisor. Ed supplied me with a number of resources and always followed up with me to see if he could be of any further help. I consider Ed McEwen a life time friend.

Bernard Patterson

I have known Rev. Ed McEwen for over 25 years and can testify as to his spirituality, faith and belief in God.  A totally unselfish person who will do anything to help a friend or those in need, Ed is a person that can be relied upon when needed.

David Hamlin

I am a two time cancer survivor, most recently June 2017. And so, for me every day is a blessing. Throughout my journey I have been fortunate to receive the support and prayers of many, including and especially from a long time friend and confidante, the Rev. Ed McEwen. Ed has been a constant source of spiritual advice and counsel and has consistently provided a very caring and necessary guidance during my struggle. Needless to say, I value his friendship and spiritual expertise immensely and am eternally grateful for his ongoing assistance in my life.

Milton Gaylord